Location: Evansville, Indiana, United States

Despiser of Stupid People. Read the title of the blog. You'll get it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This is *SO* sad.....

......and it annoys me no end. I went to Subway today to grab a sandwich for lunch. Ordered my little 6 inch it fixed up the way I wanted, and proceeded down the counter to the register. I told the young woman (22, 23, 24 yrs old?) what I ordered, turned down chips and a drink, and she presented me with my total. $3.52. I had already figured out what it was going to be, and was digging for 2 cents to add to the 4 dollar bills I already had sitting on the counter, when she hit the "final" button on the register, and the money drawer popped open. I said" Wait a sec, I've got 2 cents here". Dropped the 2 pennies on the paper money, and watched her become totally flummoxed. She looked at the total on the Register, looked at me, looked at the money on the counter, looked at the Register again, stared at the money *in* the register drawer for a couple of seconds.....and gave up and closed the drawer, voided the transaction, and rang it up again, this time with the $$$ tendered as $4.02 instead of $4.00.

$Deity, grant me patience.

Now, I eat here fairly regularly. She's worked here for at least a year or more. She seems very bright. She just has NO FREAKING MATH SKILLS!

Now, granted, some people have a real problem with math. I get that. But, this type of debacle is happening with more and more frequency over the last few years. And I'm blaming this on the school system allowing calculators to be accessible to every child from God only knows what age on up for every damn exercise, homework assignment, and test. When simple Addition and Subtraction are no longer taught as useful skills (without a damned calculator) we are teaching our children how *not* to exercise their own brains.

Pisses me off.

Yes, I'll be outside next, waving my cane, yelling "Get off my lawn, you damned kids!!!" :D

....rant over.

...and my new camera isn't here yet. grumblemumblebitchwhinecrymoan.

:) Later, my friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Math is hard. I like shopping!

The worst of it is that I'm what passes at bad at math from my graduating high school class and now I work in a stats shop. Heh. I'm not sure if the change counting thing is getting worse because I remember the stupid being strong in some cashiers even when I was all young and stuff.

6:24 AM  

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